John Moore
Take a look at this collage of Afrikan populations, which consists of contemporary Afrikan populations, ancient Afrikan populations, and Afrikan-Americans all mixed together in an effort to emphasize the point that they all look alike. In other words, if you were to look at the compilation you will see a picture of Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan right next to Pharaoh Menes.
This is an exercise that school children could engage in during Black History Month where images of Pharaohs and contemporary Afrikans could be collected to create similar type collages.
However, if this picture were to be added to that same collection, it would not fit in with the others. This is a picture of
“Alexander the Greek” who was a foreigner that invaded Egypt around 332-333 B.C., merely establishing Greek political control over Egypt, seeing that cultural control was never established. In fact, Alexander, who did not live long after he conquered Egypt and turned it over to some of his generals known as The Ptolemies, and from that point onwards they began to imitate the culture of the Nile Valley. This is how the Greeks saw Alexander, but clearly they did not see him as resembling the Nubians, Pharaoh Menes, Hatshepsut, Nefertari or even Nefertiti.Aristotle, who was the teacher of Alexander the Great, went to Egypt and established a school there. It should be of interest to note that he left Greece to go all the way into Egypt to set up a school. Even before Aristotle, Plato, who was Aristotle's teacher, had been in Egypt for 12 years studying under the Black Egyptian teachers. Even before that, Thales, Pythagoras and virtually everyone who desired to distinguish themselves in higher education had to go to Egypt (Kemet) to get that higher education, since there was no higher educational system in Greece at the time.
The Greeks sent their students to Egypt to be educated in much the same way that students from all over now go to Europe and the U.S.A. today.
Here is a Ptolemy who is now wearing Afrikan garments like the Pharaonic hood instead of dressing like a Greek. Also note what happened to the Ptolemies after settling for some time, their appearances become more Afrikan in appearance.
There was a whole line of Greek kings who ruled over Egypt that came after Alexander but before the Romans and the time of Christ.
One of the things the Ptolemies did was to intermarry with the native population there, and clearly this particular Ptolemy by the time his chance came, his family was very much intermarried as can be observed from the nose and the lips on this statue.
This is Caracalla, a Roman Emperor. By this time the conquerors had started to imitate the conquered people first in their manner of dress, then later by embalming their bodies like mummies, before eventually adopting the Egyptian religion. So even though Afrika was conquered, it still had a tremendous influence on its conquerors.
When Hollywood finally got hold of all the information that has been revealed so far, look at how Cleopatra is portrayed.
Cleopatra is being played by Vivian Leigh, a white actress. So clearly Hollywood willfully began to mis-communicate what was actually taking place in the Nile Valley by their choice of actors and actresses, who in no way resembled the people that lived there.
This is the Temple of Horus at Edfu and Kom umbo (Kom Ombo) at Edna. The Greeks and later the Romans journeyed up and down the Nile Valley at the request of the present day priests to restore Afrikan temples. Many of the temples that visitors often see when they go to Egypt now are temples that look similar to this one. However, these temples were not built at the time of the ancient Black Egyptians but under the direction of Greco-Roman rulers at the request of the priesthood.
The priests would dupe the Pharaohs as they did with Alexander by saying, “God loves you and God wants you to do something nice in return, and what we would like to have you do is to build me a church”. The Pharaoh was therefore persuaded by that, but note what happens later when the Greco-Roman Pharaoh built his church, he puts his picture inside the temple walls.
This is Setnet, an Egyptian goddess and Horus an Egyptian God. They are giving life to Pharaoh Ptolemy who now looks like a Greek. Therefore many visitors are misguided when they enter into these temples, because they are not aware of the year in which the temple was built, neither do they know that many of these temples were built after the time of the ancient Egyptians under the direction of foreign rulers to appease the priesthood.
Here is another similar example. Someone might travel to Egypt and start looking at these images on the side of the building and say "I thought they said these were Black people".
Keep in mind that at the period just before and after the time of Christ, the Greeks and Romans began to mummify their bodies. These Greco-Roman mummies are what a visitor will see on entering the Cairo museum and will point and exclaim, "So that's what the Egyptians looked like". But it is what the later Egyptians looked like, that is, those migrants or settlers, but it is not what the ancient Egyptians looked like who were a Black population that still resemble the present day Nubian population of Egypt to this day.
The tourist travel brochures soon began to publish images of Greco-Roman people rather than the original Black Egyptians, simply because most of the travellers are Europeans who will want to see people resembling themselves as any group of people would, with the exception of Blacks who apparently are not interested in wanting to see themselves, and this clearly suggests that there must be some sort of mental problem among them.
While the Greeks and Romans were ruling in Egypt, there were a number of Nubian-Cushite queens who were ruling around 300 years B.C. to 300 years after Christ, to the south of Egypt in Nubia, who were known as the Ka'andake Queens.
This is an artist’s sketch since there are no actual pictures of these Ka'andake Queens, although there are some carvings of them which their artists drew. In the Cushidite language it is KTKE or as some scholars say, Candice.
The Ka'andake Queens were known as Amazon Queens. This is an example of the Black Queens of Ethiopia, (so called because of their Nubian origin), who met Alexander the Greek at the first Cataract. Alexander the Greek therefore did not conquer every country in the world, because he never conquered Nubia-Cush, a country which was ruled by Women Queens during that era. They crushed Alexander the Greek’s invasion of Ethiopia in 332 B.C. These queens were still there when the Caesars arrived and went to war against two of them, one being Caesar Augustus, and along with the Nubian-Cushite Army, they kept the Romans out of Nubia-Cush by crushing the Roman army in Nubia, and burning the Roman Garrison in Aswan to the ground.
The Romans never attempted to invade that nation again. In other words, the Romans did not conquer Cush either, thereby making it an era that needs to be recognized in our own recounting of history where the Afrikans who were defeated in Egypt, were now centred south of Egypt in Nubia and gave a good account of themselves during the Greco-Roman period.
Nubia-Cush was the first nation on earth to be victims of Semitic terrorism through the use of constant attacks on their territory, enslavement, destruction of their cities, and persistent warfare. Emperor Kalydosos of Nubia-Cush defeated the Arab armies in the 600's A.D., but with the passage of time, the Semites were able to infiltrate Nubia-Cush to establish themselves in the North.
This is an example of their artist's impression of what the Ka'andake Queens looked like during the Greco-Roman period.
Notice that this queen is in the Pharaonic pose and secures her enemies by tying their hands behind their backs. This is typically what took place during Egyptian rule where their enemies were displayed in this manner. This queen also has a spear and is pricking the enemy in the neck.
That is the pose of a ruler, in a posture that was mentioned at the beginning of this study where King Narmer was shown beating his enemies over the head with his mace. Now the Ka'andake Queens are doing the same thing.
Here is a copy of the Rosetta Stone. Keep in mind that Napoleon was very much impressed when he travelled to Egypt, and he not only wanted to conquer Egypt, but to know everything he could about Egypt as well. This is the main reason he brought many of his top professors from France with him. This marked the beginning of the study of Egypt currently referred to as Egyptology.
The Rosetta stone which was found at the mouth of the Nile, (the Rosetta branch), has information written on it in three different forms of script. At the top of this stone is the Medu Neder or hieroglyphic; in the centre is the Demotic writing (another form of Egyptian writing) which is a kind of cursive hieroglyphic writing, and at the bottom is the Greek. Because the stone contained the same message in all three forms of writing, it was possible for Jean Champollion, another Frenchman, to figure out what the message on the stone revealed, after Napoleon had discovered it in the late 1700's. However, it took 22 years before it was finally deciphered.
This was one of the most important finds in recent history, because there was a thousand year period during which time the writings that were discovered in the tombs, temples, and on the papyri could not be read or understood. Therefore, without this we could not be talking about any of these subjects now, since no one would have known what they meant to communicate until the discovery of the Rosetta stone, along with another stone called the Palermo stone.
Keep in mind that the last Afrikan School had been closed down and the priesthood had stopped from practicing around 591 A.D. at Philae Island near Aswan. So when the European church went to war against its parents, the Egyptian church and schools, they lost the ability to read these writings for almost 1,000 years, at which time Europe descended into the Dark Ages, at the point when it cut itself off from its Black Afrikan parents.
However, it is now possible to grasp and understand some of the things that could not have been understood before. This image is on a papyrus called the Papyrus of Ani. Ani, who is now a dead prince of Egypt, is in the white clothing.
This papyrus is created for Ani who is being led by a man with a dog's head. That man is called Sekhem Em Pet or Anpu or Anubis, who is the God that judges the dead or assists with the judgement on judgement day. Ani is being led to a scale that has a feather on the right side in a pan, and on the left side in a Canopic jar is the heart of the man who is dead. The idea being presented is that this heavy heart and the feather have to evenly balance each other, but this does not make any sense rationally, though symbolically it may make more sense when you understand what this person has to do in order to get his heart and the feather to balance, and what the feather represents.The feather in Egypt is known as the feather of truth. Note that sitting at the top of the scale is MAAT, a goddess with a feather which represents Truth, Justice and Righteousness. Also take note of the feather on the right side of the scale. On the left side of the scale you will see the heart inside the jar. Now what is it that will make it possible for a feather that weighs less that an ounce and a heart that weighs about a pound to balance each other out on a scale? The heart, it must be appreciated, is the centre of the conscience, consciousness, honesty and so on, so what would make this balance take place is if the dead person can declare affirmations like these at death:
I have not killed
I have not stolen
I have not borne false witness
I have not covetedThese confessions should sound very familiar because they are similar to the 10 commandments. In other words, the person who died has to say 42 affirmations called negative confessions that would cause the heart to become lighter. The heart would be weighed down with guilt, but one confesses that “I have not killed anyone”, the heart will get lighter, “I have not stolen”, the heart gets lighter, so if one can eventually respond in like manner to all 42 of these confessions, the heart would eventually weigh the same amount as the feather of truth, justice and righteousness.
This is the Judgement Scene after death where a person is being judged by God and can only enter heaven if he can honestly say these confessions. Note the scale is being operated by the same man - Sekhem Em Pet or Anpu - who is a judge that is leading the dead person. There is also a monster fashioned from a crocodile's head, a lion's mane, a lion's front part and a hippopotamus body who could get the opportunity to eat this heart if the dead person cannot respond correctly, or does not answer truthfully. This means that he would be going straight to Hell. So this is the imagery depicting Hell, which was in existence long before Judaism, long before Christianity, and long before Islam. This was being portrayed in the 18th dynasty.
Note also a man with a bird's head at the top who is called Thoth (Thout) or Tahuti (Djehuti), which is the symbol for wisdom, time and writing, and record keeping.
Tehuti (Djehuty), who it is said invented the hieroglyphic script, records everything that takes place at the weighing of the heart. At the top there are also 42 judges sitting and witnessing this weighing of the heart. If the person gets past this routine check, he can then come to the Throne of God where the God Osiris is seated.Notice the Anian in white being led to the throne of God by Horus the Son of God. "No man comes to the Father except by the Son". This idea was already established in the Afrikan religion way back in the 18th dynasty. Observe also that there are two women behind Osiris. Remember when Jesus died there were two women who came to the tomb. In the Egyptian religion there were always these two women with Osiris; Isis and her sister Nephthys, who preside at many of the functions where Osiris is present. Here they are seen standing behind the throne of Osiris. Notice that Osiris, who is the good shepherd, has the shepherd's crook in one hand, and the flail in the other hand. He also has the Ateph Crown, the crown of Osiris and death. Finally, observe the four sons of Horus standing on the Lotus flower in front of Osiris' throne.
None of these scenarios would have been understood if the Rosetta stone was not found. Scholars were now able to use the information for research like Sigmund Freud did, after discovering the Rosetta stone. Freud was one of the world's great psychiatrists and sort of a historian who spent almost 20 years researching the question of who was Moses and where he came from. In his book "Moses and Monotheism", Sigmund Freud concluded that Moses was an Egyptian and that the religion he gave to the Hebrew people was one of the Egyptian religions. In other words, that religion was already present and he was merely converted and committed to it before passing it on to the Hebrew population.
The Bible in Acts 7:22 agrees with Freud which states that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in word and deed.
Note that if this were true it would be possible to go back to some of the wisdom of the Egyptians as shown earlier such as the weighing of the heart. “I have not killed, I have not stolen, I have not borne false witness etc.” In other words, these sayings that are known as the 10 commandments had already appeared in ancient Egypt as the 42 negative confessions. So instead of only 10 items there were actually 42 in number, but apparently Moses was only impressed by 10 of these 42 confessions which are identical to the negative confessions. The Bible says he was learned in all the wisdom of Egypt;The Book of the Dead was part of the wisdom of Egypt, and the negative confessions appeared in the Book of the Dead.Moses spent 40 years as an initiate in the Egyptian religious system being schooled in all the ways of the Egyptians before graduating from one of the six orders of the Egyptian Priesthood.
Since it took 40 years to matriculate through the system, it meant that neither Plato, Socrates nor Aristotle actually graduated from that school, so they had to invent and agree on all their theories. Later the Gnostics, The Essenes (authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls), the church Fathers and the 4th century Christians tried to assimilate this system into Christianity, just as many of the Hebrews (Jews) did.
Note that the year 1822 is said to be the time when the rock was decoded. After Champollion had translated the Rosetta stone, it then became possible to go back to Egypt and read what was on the walls of the tombs, on the papyri, and on the monuments, before putting all the information together so that a whole new source of information could be presented, and millions of lines decoded.
As the interpretation of the engraved words accelerated, many scholars in Europe gained much insight and began to write books in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
This is one of the title pages from one of those books called the "Oldest Books in the World, An Account of Religion, Wisdom, Philosophy, Ethics, Psychology, Manners, Proverbs, Sayings and Refinements of the Ancient Egyptians".
This book was written around 1900 based on the ancient texts, and shows that many of these subjects even though they had come into print, soon disappeared from circulation later.
Here is another book entitled "The World's 16 Crucified Saviours or Christianity Before Christ". Scholars read the ancient records and indicated that the ideas which appear in Christianity had already appeared before Christ was even born. This was one of the reasons that it was easy for the Afrikans to accept Christianity, because they were really accepting the beliefs they were already familiar with.
What is highlighted is that there were at least 16 different occasions in history where the story of a crucified saviour who died, was buried, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven appeared. Christianity is just one of the religions where this was a part of its theology.
This book was written in 1875 but a copy of it would at present be almost impossible to find. This information came into existence as a result of the ability to read the old records where for example, Asar (Osiris) was crucified and resurrected, so the first resurrection in history involved Ausar (Asa) (Osiris). If the hieroglyphic knowledge were not available, it would have been almost impossible to go back and find out what those ancient records said.
This is another image of the God Osiris.
© John Moore - Barbados, W.I. (March 2000) ©. All rights reserved.